| 通过翻译输出中国文化
中国对外影响日隆,让学术界也热闹起来。著名翻译家、浙江大学教授许钧先生撰文指出 ,要通过“文化译介”,助推中华文化走出去,甚至要改变中译外被重视不足的问题。确实,目前中国 文化还未在海外迈开双腿,来去自由,而更像坐在轮椅上,上坡的时候尚需有人“助推”一把。但过度 依赖“助推”,对中国文化在海外的自足发展,并不一定有利。
China's foreign influence day long, so that the academic community is also lively. A famous translator, Zhejiang University Professor Mr. Xu Jun pointed out that through the "cultural translation", promote Chinese culture to go out, even to change the problem of insufficient attention outside. Indeed, at present, Chinese culture has not taken the legs overseas, come and go freely, and more like a wheelchair, uphill when someone needs to "boost" a. But relying too much on "boosting" is not necessarily beneficial to the self-sufficiency of Chinese culture abroad.
中国文化的对外译介,尚且存在人才不足的瓶颈。中国翻译协会副会长黄友义曾称,中国 真正合格的中译英人才不足百人。人才的匮乏导致的文化“逆差”一时难以改变(参见中新社记者2008 年对黄友义的采访《中国稀缺“中译英”人才导致文化“逆差”》)。这是一重现实。另外一重现实, 是因为进入门槛低,而今是个高校都有外国语学院,乍一看人才济济。国家的各种翻译、外宣基金,都 在体制内,经由外语院校和系科承接,吸引一众学者和教育管理者去竞争。
There is still a bottleneck in the introduction and translation of Chinese culture. Huang Youyi, vice president of the Chinese Translation Association, said that China's truly qualified Chinese and English translation talents are less than 100. The lack of talent has made the cultural deficit difficult to change for a while. (see the interview with Huang Youyi, an interview with China News Agency in 2008. This is a serious reality. Another reality is, because of low barriers to entry, is now a university have foreign language college, at first glance, a galaxy of talents. The various translation, publicity fund, all within the system, undertake by foreign institutions and departments, attract scholars and education managers to compete.
有这么多外语系,在培养着大量的人才,为什么还存在中译外人才匮乏呢?一般来说,中 译外工作应多由以目标文字为母语的人士承担。当代汉学家宇文所安教授曾表示:“中国正在花钱把中 文典籍翻译成英语。但这项工作绝不可能奏效。没有人会读这些英文译本。中国可以更明智地使用其资 源。不管我的中文有多棒,我都绝不可能把英文作品翻译成满意的中文。译者始终都应该把外语翻译成 自己的母语,绝不该把母语翻译成外语。” 英国汉学家葛瑞汉也持有类似观点。(参见宁波大学外国语 学院教授在《光明日报》上所撰文章《中国典籍“谁来译”》,)而在国内翻译界,这也是大家默认的 规则。不顾此规律,由非母语人士承接中译外项目,大多是土法炼钢,多出废品而非精品。即便一流的 国内中译外翻译家,也是内热外冷,作品在外门可罗雀。很多强行翻译成外文的书籍,有的是质量不行 或者不能得到潜在翻译者的认可,找不到合适的人选来翻译。有的翻译,则是作者的“虚荣”项目,或 单位的政绩工程,是自己掏钱请人翻的。雇主假装出了大钱,翻译假装出了大力,大家心照不宣。
There are so many foreign languages departments that are developing a large number of talents. Why is there still a shortage of Chinese and foreign talents? Generally speaking, Chinese and foreign translation should be undertaken by target language speakers. The Sinologist Stephen Owen said: "Professor Chinese is paid to Chinese classics translation into english. But this work will never work. No one can read these English translations. China can use its resources more wisely. No matter how good my Chinese is, I can never translate English works into satisfactory chinese. Translators should always translate foreign language into their mother tongue, and never translate their mother tongue into foreign language." The British Sinologist, Charles de grace, holds a similar view. (referring to the article written by the professor of foreign languages at the Ningbo University in Guangming Daily, who translated Chinese books.) and in the domestic translation field, this is also the default rule. This is not the law, by non- native speakers to undertake in the translation of foreign projects, mostly indigenous, more waste rather than the fine. Even if the domestic first-class translation of foreign translators, but also the cold outside the heat, work in the streets outside the door. Many books which are forced to be translated into foreign languages are quality or not recognized by potential translators and can not find suitable candidates to translate them. Some translation is the author's "vanity" project, or unit performance projects, is their own money to ask people to turn over. The employer pretended to have made a lot of money, and the interpreter pretended to have made a big effort.
改变中译外和外译中的“逆差”局面,关键还是要深化对外开放。如果增加中国护照的含 金量,并按对等原则,让其他国家人容易进入中国,双方来去便利,交流频繁,则文化走出去水到渠成 ,不用助推。与此同时,也可考虑如下策略:
In order to change the deficit situation in Chinese translation and foreign translation, the key is to deepen the opening to the outside world. If the Chinese passport to increase the value of gold, and in accordance with the principle of reciprocity, so that other people easily access to China, the two sides come and go convenient, frequent exchanges, then the culture of going out, without a boost. At the same time, the following strategies can be considered:
第一,欲求送出去,必先请进来。应吸引更多外国人加入中国文 学的翻译。现在在中国学习、工作且精通汉语的外国人比过去多了很多。他们常作为“白面孔”、“黑 面孔”,上电视参加各种节目,成为娱乐对象,这是很可惜的。不如增加拨款渠道和基金,让他们来参 与对外翻译工作。比如爱尔兰文学基金会,就主动设立基金,请人翻译爱尔兰文学作品。这是可以借鉴 的。
First, the desire to send out, you must first come in. More foreigners should be attracted to the translation of Chinese literature. Foreigners who study and work in China and are now proficient in Chinese are much more numerous than before. It is a pity that they often act as "white faces" and "black faces", and participate in various programs on TV as entertainment. It is better to increase funding channels and funds so that they can participate in foreign translation work. The Irish Literary foundation, for example, has set up a fund to translate Irish literature. This can be used for reference.
第二,以民间交流为主体。记得 2009年举办的法兰克福书展,中国是主宾国,专门有“版 权服务站”;书展上也签下了多笔版权订单。政府也批准了中国学术名著、中国文学名著、大中华文库 等出版系列工程。不知在其他地方成效几何,仅从美国看,从网下到网上,中国经典还是冷门偏门。学 界对中国文献的经典,也多沿袭前人定位。说典籍必谈诸子百家和儒佛道。但“有心栽花花不开,无意 插柳柳成行。”一些我们认定为好的东西,他人出于种种考虑,漠视甚至排斥。 再者,《论语》、《道 德经》这些经典,已经有了很多现成的译本,不必再三炒冷饭。而刘慈欣这些科幻作家,经过民间渠道 ,在国外反成了气候。他的《三体》译本,连奥巴马都买来看。这样的传播,是民间自发开展的,不假 官方助推之力。
Second, take civil exchange as the main body. Remember the 2009 Frankfurt book fair, Chinese is the country of honor, has a special "copyright service station"; the fair also signed a number of orders of copyright. The government also approved a series of publishing projects, such as Chinese academic classics, Chinese literary classics and the library of great chinese. I do not know the geometric effects in other places, only from the United States, from the network to the Internet, China classic or popular loopholes. The classics of academic circles in China also follow the predecessors' positions. That book will talk about all classes of authors and Confucianism and buddhism. But "heart planted, flowers do not open, no intention of inserting Liu Liu line."." Some things we think are good, others think, ignore, or even reject. Furthermore, the "Analects of Confucius", "moral" these classics, there has been a lot of ready-made versions, without repeatedly reinventing the wheel. And Liu Cixin, these science fiction writers, through folk channels, in foreign countries into a climate. His "three body" version, even Obama bought it. Such dissemination is carried out spontaneously by the people, and it is not the force of official promotion.
第三,拓展对于价值的认知。这些年我发现一个非常有趣的现象,在中国被奉为学贯中西 的大家,如陈寅恪、辜鸿铭,在国外几乎没有多少人知道。而国外熟知的中国人,如晏阳初,则中国罕 有人知。如果我们拓展对于“价值”的认知,为什么不在译介中,“助推”已经可能被外国人接受的晏 阳初们的著作?
Third, expand the knowledge of value. These years I found a very interesting phenomenon, in China is regarded as Chinese people, such as Chen Yinque, Gu Hongming, in a foreign country almost not many people know. And foreign well-known Chinese, such as Yan Yangchu, China is rare. If we expand the "value" of cognition, why not in translation, "boost" may have been accepted by foreigners who his works?
第四,增加中外合作。如果没有足够的人才,从事中译外的工作,中外合作也是好办法。 例如中国古代文献,不要说外国人,就是我们自己有时候也难看懂。如属中外专家合作,则会产生不同 可能。需要警惕的是,文字工作过程漫长,合作的话,也需默契。多少年来,也只有杨宪益戴乃迭这种 夫妻搭配比较成功。政府能做的,是增加些中外协作,在协作的流程和质量控制上做些文章。如果真认 为某作品重要,可以组建团队来翻,让有的人从事中文翻译,有的人负责外文润色,有的人负责回译以 验证译文准确性。一些宗教典籍,如《圣经》翻译是通过团队协作方式完成,所产生的和合本译本至今 仍被使用。好的团队协作合流程再造,能够解决人才不足的问题。
Fourth, increasing cooperation between China and foreign countries. If there is not enough talent to engage in Chinese and foreign translation work, Sino foreign cooperation is also a good way. For example, ancient Chinese literature, do not say foreigners, it is our own, sometimes difficult to understand. Cooperation between Chinese and foreign experts will lead to different possibilities. Need to be vigilant is that the text of the long process of work, co-operation, but also need tacit understanding. For many years, only Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie have been successful with each other. What the government can do is to increase the cooperation between China and foreign countries and do some articles on the process and quality control of cooperation. If you really think that a work is important, you can form a team to turn it around, so that some people engage in Chinese translation, some people are responsible for foreign language polishing, and some people responsible for translation to verify the accuracy of translation. Some religious texts, such as the Bible translation, are done by team work, and the resulting translations are still used today. Good teamwork and process reengineering can solve the problem of lack of qualified personnel.
第五,尝试共享翻译。过去的翻译,个人英雄主义流行。一旦某个人的翻译被发现有瑕疵 ,则可能连人带书被通盘否定。水烧到90度,被倒掉重烧。再有人烧到80度,又被倒掉,如此反复。倘 若能够实现模式上的突破。假如能像软件开发那样,让后面的人修改前人错误,增加“补丁”,升级版 本,陆续认可所有参与者的功劳,则不废前人努力,有益于逐步改进,功莫大焉。一些网友,如“译言 ”曾有过合作翻译的尝试,大概是因为缺乏资助,没有大规模拓展开。在这个有共享单车的时代,共享 翻译,还是可以继续尝试的。
Fifth, try sharing translations. In the past, personal heroism was popular. Once someone's translation has been found to be flawed, it may even be taken with the book in full denial. The water was burned to 90 degrees and drained and burned. Another person burned to 80 degrees, and was thrown out, so repeatedly. If we can achieve a breakthrough in mode. If you like software development, let the people behind the change of previous errors, increase the "patch" upgrade version, have recognized all participants in the credit, is not beneficial to the waste of previous efforts, gradually improved, great. Some users, such as "Yeeyan" attempts have been made to cooperative translation, presumably because of a lack of funding, no large-scale expansion. In this era of sharing bikes, sharing translations, you can still keep trying.
中国文化传向全世界,参与世界文明的交流与对话,也需要我们继续保持谦虚姿态。经济 、文化各有规律,未必会同步发展。经济的发展,强势的国际形象,虽然最终会强化文化影响力,但这 种关系,也是有一定延后效应的。即便中译外、外译中再保持逆差五十年,也应有胸襟坦然对待。
China's culture spread to the whole world and to participate in the exchange and dialogue of world civilizations, and we also need to continue to be modest. The economy and culture are in regular order and may not develop simultaneously. Economic development, a strong international image, although ultimately will strengthen cultural influence, but this relationship is also a certain delay effect. Even if the foreign language translation and foreign translation to maintain a deficit of fifty years, should also be broad-minded.